Fluid Accumulation

Edema is a normal response of the body to inflammation or injury. For example, a twisted ankle, or a bee sting, will all result in edema in the involved area. In some cases, such as in an infection, this may be beneficial. Increased fluid from the blood vessels allows more infection-fighting white blood cells to enter the affected area. But can also result from medical conditions, or as a side effect of certain medications or even problems in the balance of the substances normally present in blood. This occurs whenever small blood vessels become “leaky” and release fluid into nearby tissues. The extra fluid accumulates, causing the tissue to swell.
In Chinese medicine we look at this condition as the result of two patterns…. Dampness in the body, and weakness of the spleen, and digestive systems ability to transform dampness. This can lead to retention of dampness, Feeling of heaviness or sluggishness in the body, as well as a preference to lay down or sleep all day.Chinese herbs can be very helpful in managing this situation, when looking for a more modern day formula to: Strengthen the Spleen, and transform dampness look for a formula that contains at least one or more of the following herbs:
Chen PI- This herbs activates qi circulation, which is often stagnant in cases of water and damp accumulation.
Fu Ling – Resolve dampness, regulates water circulation, and drains water accumulation.
Bai Zu – Dries dampness and is especially good for situation where dampness is related to a deficiency in the spleen because it strongly strengthens the spleen and digestion.