Chinese Herbs for Diabetes

n Chinese medicine, we break this down into three patterns: upper (wasting and thirsting) characterized by Lung heat drying up the moisture leading… More Info

Chinese Herbs for ADD & ADHD

ADD/ADHD is considered to be a prefrontal cortex issue where there is deficiency of the neurotransmitters dopamine and norepinephrine. The thought is that these lower level of neuro More Info

Chinese Herbs for PMS

In Chinese medicine the liver is the controller of the emotion anger, the liver is also responsible for assisting in moving the energy and blood throughout the body. Just before Show More

Chinese Herbs for Metobolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome is a collection of risk factors that when combine greatly increases a person’s risk of developing heart disease, and type 2 diabetes…  More Info

Chinese Herbs for Cardiovascular & Circulatory Disorders/

In Chinese medicine we look at this condition as a pattern of Heart yang deficiency with blood stagnation and damp and phlegm More Info

Chinese Herbs for Herniated Disk

A herniated disk refers to a problem with one of the rubbery cushions or (disks) between the individual bones or (vertebrae) that stack up to make your spine. When a diskShow More

Chinese Herbs for Anxiety

In Chinese Medicine there can be many root causes of anxiety, but when stress and anxiety are paired together manifesting as recurring and intrusive thoughts, insomnia… disturbed sleep, difficultyMore Info

Chinese Herbs for Psoriasis, and Acne

Psoriasis is a chronic skin condition caused by an overactive immune system. Symptoms include flaking, inflammation, and thick, white, silvery, or red patches of skin More Info

Chinese Herbs for High Cholesterol and Triglycerides

According to traditional Chinese medicine, cholesterol is considered as an excess deposit of dampness and phlegm More Info

Chinese Herbs for Acute Back Pain

In Chinese Medicine we look at this condition as an acute stagnation of blood and qi leading to inflammation, stagnation, pain, and uncomfortable sensation while Show More

Chinese Herbs for Chronic Back Pain

In Chinese medicine we always look at a chronic disorder of the back impart due to a decline in the kindey jing or the bodies natural reserves, as well as a stagnation of Qi and Blood… More Info

Chinese Herbs for Cardiovascular & Circulatory Disorders/

In Chinese medicine we look at this condition as a pattern of Heart yang deficiency with blood stagnation and damp and phlegm More Info

Chinese Herbs for Memory

What allows the brain to work quickly and efficiently is its energy supply. If this is impaired in any way, then the brain will go slow. Initially, the symptoms would be things likeShow More

Chinese Herbs for Heart Health

Circulation – Cardiovascular disease generally refers to conditions that involve narrowed or blocked blood vessels this can lead to a heart attack, chest pain, and More Info

Chinese Herbs to Curb Menopause Symptoms

In Chinese Medicine Menopause is time of life when the kidney yin and body fluids begin to decline leading to deficiency heat. When this deficiency heat More Info

Chinese Herbs for Anxiety

In Chinese Medicine there can be many root causes of anxiety, but when stress and anxiety are paired together manifesting as recurring and intrusive thoughts, insomnia… disturbed sleep, difficultyMore Info