IBS in Chinese Medicine
In Traditional Chinese medicine digestive weakness is associated with Spleen deficiency. This pattern manifests as diarrhea, loose stool, poor appetite, fatigue, borborygmus (which is when you have a noisy gurgling gassy stomach), bloating, fatigue, and other gastrointestinal disorders. In Traditional Chinese medicine, the main function of the Spleen is to extract the vitamins and nutrients from the food and turn them into energy. When the Spleen and the Stomach are deficient, they will not be able to carry out these digestive functions. As a result, food may travel too quickly out of the body without being properly digested or absorbed. The treatment protocol for this pattern is to use herbs that tonify the Spleen qi, stop diarrhea, promote digestion, and dispel dampness and stagnation. If your looking for a modern day formula for this pattern look for one that contains at least some of the following herbs:
Best Chinese Herbs for IBS
Bai Zhu – Strongly tonifies the Spleen and dispel dampness, Dampness in the body is manifested by presence of mucus in the stool and feelings of incomplete evacuation.
Chai Hu – Is a qi-regulating herb used to relieve bloating, pain, gas and stress.
Chen PI – Which strengthens the qi and helps to descend rebellious qi to relieve nausea and vomiting.