Liver/Gallbladder Disorders

Cholecystitis in Chinese Medicine
Cholecystitis is inflammation of the gallbladder. In most cases, gallstones blocking the tube leading out of your gallbladder cause cholecystitis. This results in a bile buildup that can cause inflammation. Before seeking any alternative treatments for cholecystitis or gallstones you should always see your MD and get a proper diagnosis to make sure there is not a more serious life threatening situation occurring.
In Chinese medicine we look at these conditions as a pattern of: damp-heat in the gallbladder, or damp-heat drying up fluids in the Gallbladder leading to stones. When looking for a modern formula for clearing Damp Heat, spreading the liver qi, and moistening to assist movement look for a formula containing one or more of the following herbs:
Chinese Herbs for Cholecystitis
Long Dan Cao – Enters the Liver and the Gallbladder to clear damp-heat.
Zhi Ke – Unblocks Qi obstruction and facilitates the passage of gallstones.
Yin Chen Hao – Clears damp heat for the liver and gallbladder channels, promotes urination to help the flow of bile.