
Neurodegenerative disorders in Chinese Medicine
Some degree of memory problems, as well as a modest decline in other thinking skills, is a fairly common part of aging. There’s a difference, however, between normal changes in memory and Neurodegenerative disorders, which tend to be gradual in their onset followed by progressive deterioration. Even though the brain shows the symptoms In Chinese Medicine the root of neurodegenerative diseases are actually based in the kidney and are a result of deep deficiency in the kidney jing and bone marrow. This pattern is usually complicated by an excess pattern of blood stasis, and phlegm accumulation.
Chinese herbs can be very helpful in managing this situation, when looking for a more modern day formula to: Tonify the Kidney yin, yang, and marrow, regulate the circulation of qi and blood, and open the sensory orifices to promote awareness and alertness, look for a formula containing one or more of the following herbs:
Chinese Herbs for Neurodegenerative disorders
Huang Qi – Raises the Yang qi to tonify the spleen qi and boost short term memory
Du Zhong – Tonifies the Kidney Yang and strengthens the essence to help with memory
Gou Qi Zi – Nourishes the yin of the liver and Kidneys, to help nourish the fluids in the body and head