Prostate – Enlarged

Prostate Issues in Chinese Medicine
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate gland. P Support can help minimize prostate issues. The prostate gland surrounds the urethra, the tube that carries urine from the bladder out of the body. As the prostate gets bigger, it may squeeze or partly block the urethra. This often causes problems with urinating. BPH occurs in almost all men as they age, about half of all men older than 75 have some symptoms. In traditional Chinese medicine, this is a condition considered to be from both excess and deficiency. Excess refers to the enlargement of the gland leading to stagnation of qi and blood and accumulation of damp-heat. Deficiency is represented in the gradual depletion of qi, blood and Kidney jing (essence) accompanying aging. So optimal treatment must use herbs that tonify the underlying deficiency, clear damp-heat, and promote normal urination.
In addition to dietary and life style changes Chinese herbs can be very helpful in this situation, when looking for a more modern day formula to tonify the underlying deficiency, clear damp-heat, and promote normal urination, look for one congaing one or more of the herbs to the left.
Top Fun Facts about Prostate Issues in Chinese Medicine:
It’s considered to be from both excess and deficiency
- Excess refers to the enlargement of the gland leading to stagnation of qi and blood and accumulation of damp-heat.
- Deficiency is represented in the gradual depletion of qi, blood and Kidney jing (essence) accompanying aging
Treatment needs to:
- Tonify the underlying deficiency, clear damp-heat
- Promote normal urination,
Best Chinese Herbs for Prostate Issues
- Fu Ling
- Yuan Zi
- Huang Qi
Fu Ling – Is markedly effective at tonifying qi and regulating water circulation, also a diuretic herbs used to promote normal urination and relieve various discomforts associated with dampness and swelling.
Yuan Zi – Expels dampness and clears the orifices, as well as reducing swellings and abscesses by breaking up stagnation and dampness.
Huang Qi – Raises the source qi to lift prolapse, and aid in transportation of fluids. Helps improve digestion strengthening the body as a whole. issues